I created new Ice Textures for DooM - The Caronte´s Portal
Downloads - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal v.1.2
DooM - The Caronte´s Portal A game creation by Rolls3D Project
Info. I included a new version of DooM - The Caronte's Portal.
This version runs with DooM II - Hell on Earth. You can play with ZDoom, Doomsday or Legacy engines.
Greetings, and wellcome to the dark dimension of DooM - The Caronte´s Portal.
I apologize to all players that the game found the links broken.
During this past year I have been very busy and have not had time to repair or refresh the page, but the project is ongoing and progress, albeit slow.
Download - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal v.1.2
If you make any modification or you use some textures, music or monsters created by me, you must PUT MY NAME IN THE CREDITS OF YOUR WAD.The soundtrack that I've included, was composed by me with Guitar Pro 4.0.
Pure Thrash Metal DooM the old style:)
If you want cooperate with the project, send a mail to: Rroice@hotmail.com
Thanks for play to this mod.
Enjoy it.
Roberto Julio Alamo - Rolls3D
Downloads - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal v.1.1
DooM - The Caronte´s Portal A game creation by Rolls3D Project
Info. I included a new version of DooM - The Caronte's Portal.
This version runs with DooM II - Hell on Earth. You can play with ZDoom, Doomsday or Legacy engines.
I Add a list of the levels included in this WAD:
- MAP 02 - THE LABS (Here is the bug ...)
The levels here are aimed at including tanned veterans Doom.
I will continue building new levels and fixing bugs.
The soundtrack that I've included, was composed by me with Guitar Pro 4.0.
Pure Thrash Metal DooM the old style:)Download - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal v.1.1
If you make any modification or you use some texture or monster created by me, you must PUT MY NAME IN THE CREDITS OF YOUR WAD.
If you want cooperate with the project, send a mail to: Rroice@hotmail.com
If you find some kind of bug, please, send me a mail too.
Trailer - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal
News - A Bug finded
Not long ago reviewed the main WAD of the section of Downloads. I discovered that has a bug that makes the game closed.
I include a new version of the Mod (This one time runs in DooM II - Hell on Earth) in the Downloads section.
The bug has been fixed, download the version 1.1 of Caronte´s Portal.
Downloads - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal v.0.1
Here you can download the first version of DooM - The Caronte´s Portal
A game creation by Rolls3D Project
Download - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal v.0.1
DooM - The Caronte´s Portal - Weapons
These are some of the New Weapons that you can find in DooM - The Caronte´s Portal
- Two Guns
Your power shot and your speed will be enhanced greatly by using two pistols instead of one.
- UAC Flashgun
One of the secret toys of the UAC. This weapon uses energy charges for activation, so you do not spend too much. The Flashgun is capable of reaching a long-range enemies.
- UAC Bolter Gun
The Bolter Gun is an extremely dangerous weapon even for you. The charges used by the Bolter Gun possess highly volatile explosive that can explode at any time. Don´t shoot close to the wall or near your opponents...
- ZDoom Forums
- Doomworld
- Diseño Doom -Spanish Doom Mappers Forums-
- Code Imp - DooM Builder
- XWE - Extendable Wad Editor
- DooM - Wad Station
- WIP - Wads in Progress
- Aluqah Maps for Doom II
- Psyren's Doom Page
- Risen 3D DooM
- Doomsday HQ Engine
- DooM Legacy
- ZDoom Engine
- GZDoom
- The DooM Wiki
- ZDooM Wiki
- HeXen - Arcanum