

DooM - The Caronte´s Portal

A totally new Mod based in the storys and characters of DooM, by Id Software. You can download the .WAD file here:


Downloads - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal v.1.2

DooM - The Caronte´s Portal A game creation by Rolls3D Project

Info. I included a new version of DooM - The Caronte's Portal.
This version runs with DooM II - Hell on Earth. You can play with ZDoom, Doomsday or Legacy engines.

Greetings, and wellcome to the dark dimension of DooM - The Caronte´s Portal.

I apologize to all players that the game found the links broken.
During this past year I have been very busy and have not had time to repair or refresh the page, but the project is ongoing and progress, albeit slow.

Download - DooM - The Caronte´s Portal v.1.2


If you make any modification or you use some textures, music or monsters created by me, you must PUT MY NAME IN THE CREDITS OF YOUR WAD.

The soundtrack that I've included, was composed by me with Guitar Pro 4.0.
Pure Thrash Metal DooM the old style:)

If you want cooperate with the project, send a mail to: Rroice@hotmail.com

Thanks for play to this mod.
Enjoy it.

Roberto Julio Alamo - Rolls3D